Manage SPAM Filters in DirectAdmin

Last modified: August 1, 2020
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In this documentation we can check how to setup spam filters in direct admin.


1) Login to DirectAdmin.

2) Click the button ‘SPAM Filters’ from the section ‘E-Mail Management’.



3) We can create email filters from this section.SPAM Filters in DirectAdmin


4) You can block a specific email address by entering the email address in the text box and click ‘Block’ button.

SPAM Filters in DirectAdmin


5) You can block mail from an entire domain by entering the domain name in the text box and click ‘Block’ button.

SPAM Filters in DirectAdmin


6) You can block all email containing the word by entering the word in the text box and click ‘Block’ button.

SPAM Filters in DirectAdmin


7) You can block all email larger than any specific size by entering the size in the text box and click ‘Block’ button.

SPAM Filters in DirectAdmin


8) If you want to disable the adult filter, click the button ‘Disable’. This feature will prevent email with adult content from getting through.

9) After that, choose the option that match your filter criteria can either be dropped or sent to a spam box.

10) Once the settings have been completed, click “Save’ button to update the details.

SPAM Filters in DirectAdmin


11) If you want to delete any filter, select the corresponding filter and click “Delete Selected’ button.

SPAM Filters in DirectAdmin


That is how we can setup spam filters in DirectAdmin.


If you need any further help please reach our support department.

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