How do I register/transfer a domain name?

Last modified: August 2, 2020
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Domains can be registered with FastyCloud during a webhosting sign up for both and Standard shared hosting plans.

For domains without a hosting plan use https://my.fastycloud.comto register. After logging into my portal select the domains panel to access the view domains section which an order can be placed. The direct link is:

Please refer the screenshots for any clarifications.


How do I Register a Domain Name?

You may refer the following video tutorial or read further.


The step by step instruction to register a new domain is given below. Please follow the guide.

1) Go to the domains section from your portal at



Now, after clicking on the “View Domains”, you will get a screen displaying the information about the domains you have with FastyCloud. There you can click on the “Order Domain” button to place a new domain order.



This button will lead you to the next page where you can search for the domain names to see if it is available. You can also see the suggestions with different tlds (extensions). This will help you to find an alternative if the domain you are looking for is already purchased.

2) Start Registration

If the domain is available to purchase, there will be a link “Register” next to the domain name. You need to click on it and it.



When you click on the “Register” link, it will lead you to the next page, where you can provide the personal details on the form in it.

3) Provide the personal information



In this page, you can provide the details like your email, name, address, country, etc. After providing the required information, you need to click on the button “Place Order” to finish the process.


How do I Transfer a Domain Name?

If the domain you are looking for is an existing one, you could transfer the domain to FastyCloud . To transfer a domain to FastyCloud, please follow the below instructions.

1) Please perform the actions in Step 1 in the above registration process and then follow the below instructions.

2) Start the Transfer

Now, you have clicked on the “Order Domain” button and located your domain. Now you can find a link “Already own it, transfer?” next to the domain name. You need to click on the link “transfer” as shown in the below figure.



This link will lead you to the next page with a form in it. You need to fill the fields, asking for your personal information.

3) Provide the personal Information

Please provide the details and click on “Place Order” button as shown in the figure when it is finished.



These are the steps to register/transfer a domain name with FastyCloud


You may also refer the following video tutorials.











If you need any further assistance please contact our support department.


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