Fix the Mixed Content Issue on WordPress

Last modified: June 16, 2020
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Nowadays, SSL Certificates are very common. It is because Let’s Encrypt provides SSL certificates for Free. Even the basic Paid SSL certificates are cheaper than they used to be. As the SSL certificates are very common, it is kind of mandatory to have an SSL certificate. From the web surfer’s point of view, It’s not a great idea to put a credit card or personal information in a “not-secure” site that Google Chrome will show if a site does not have an SSL certificate.

Now, If you have an SSL certificate and the Google Chrome is showing “not-secure” when someone visits your site, it is a Mixed Content Issue. This issue is very easy to understand and solve if you are using WordPress to manage your site. So, Let’s see what is the reason behind the Mixed Content Issue.

When you visit a site, it requests many resources from the same domain or a different server with different URLs. A resource that your site might request can be a CSS file, Javascript files, images, and much more. When you install an SSL certificate on your site, you can access your site with HTTPS but your site might request additional required resources on HTTP protocol, either from the same domain or different domain, that does not matter.

So, If your site has an SSL certificate but it requests additional resources on HTTP protocol, it is a Mixed Content Issue. Now, if you are using WordPress, you can easily solve this issue by using a Plugin. In this tutorial, I am going to show the step by step process to solve the Mixed Content issue in WordPress.

How to Solve the Mixed Content issue in WordPress?

The mixed content issue can be solved on any website by using the HTTPS protocol to request all the resources that a site needs to work perfectly. It means that we just have to replace HTTP with HTTPS in the URLs in the source code of the site. It might sound complicated, but if you are using WordPress, you can solve this issue without writing a single line of code.

First of all, log in to the admin panel of your WordPress site and click on the Plugins -> Add New option to see a list of plugins from WordPress Plugin repository that we can install on our site.

Mixed Content issue

Now, search “SSL Insecure Content Fixer” in the search box and hit Enter. You will find a plugin with Green Padlock as a logo, just like the following image. Click on the Install and then Activate to activate the plugin.

Mixed Content issue

Once installed and Activated, click on the Settings -> SSL Insecure Content option to update the plugin settings. The settings page will look like the following image.

Mixed Content issue

From the list of options, select the one that fits your requirement the best. If you are not sure which option to select, just select the Simple option and click on the Save Changes.

Now, you can access your site and the Chrome browser will show you a Padlock instead of not-secure. It is because now your site will request all the required resources on HTTPS protocol instead of HTTP.

It is also good to update the WordPress Address and Site Address from the Settings -> General page just after installing the SSL certificate. So, this is how you can Fix the Mixed Content Issue in WordPress. If you are facing any issues following this tutorial, please let us know in the comment section given below.

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