Configure and setup Cache in Joomla

Last modified: July 27, 2020
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Estimated reading time: 2 min

Caching is one of the most important innovations of the internet. It is because caching allows us to decrease the load of the server by serving the cached data. Joomla is a very established and popular content management system. And, almost all the content management system provides some kind of caching system that allows us to serve more customers with fewer server resources.

If you are not using the cache, you can save lots of money on your server infrastructure. If you don’t know what caching exactly does, let me explain it to you in brief. Whenever a visitor visits your site, your site has to process data with the programming language as well as it has to query your database server to get the required data. And it happens every time a visitor visits your site, no matter if the content is the same for all the requests.

What caching does is, it saves the rendered content for the same request. Then, it will serve the same rendered content to other visitors visiting the same page with the same content. It means that once the cached data is saved, the server will not request the database server to fetch data until the cache is expired. You can set the cache expiry as per your requirements. If you regularly update the content on your site, the cache expiry should be shorter.

Configure and setup Cache in Joomla

To enable caching in Joomla, log in to the admin panel of your Joomla site and hover on the System option given in the main menu just like the following screenshot. Click on the Global Configuration option.

Search engine friendly urls in Joomla


In the Global Configuration section, click on the System tab just as highlighted in the following image.

Cache Settings

In this section, find the Cache Settings section. It will contain one drop-down menu to enable or disable caching on your Joomla website. Turn it on or off as per your requirements.

Cache Settings

Finally, click on the Save button given on the top-left corner of the page, just as highlighted in the following image.

Cache Settings

So, this is how you can enable or disable caching on your Joomla website. We recommend you to enable caching while your website is in the production environment. You can easily disable cache while working on your website so that you don’t see the cached version of your site.

if you have any questions regarding this tutorial or cache in Joomla, please let us know in the comment section given below. We will get back to you in a reply as soon as possible.

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