Change Default Country in Magento

Last modified: August 6, 2020
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Estimated reading time: 1 min

eCommerce is a growing market. It contains hundreds of millions of transactions as well as millions of stores on the internet. Each and every country has it’s own major eCommerce stores. Some eCommerce stores are international, like Amazon and Alibaba. With the growth of many eCommerce stores that can go international easily, open-source eCommerce platforms like Magento allow us to change the default country as per our requirements.

Settings a default country is important. That way, you can save lots of time modifying the store as per the requirements of your country. Magento allows us to update the default country with few simple clicks without adding any additional extension to the system. In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to change the default country in Magento. To understand it visually, refer to the screenshots given after every step.

Update Default Country in Magento

First of all, log in to the admin panel of your Magento store. Then, click on the Stores link given in the main menu. It will show you a few more options in the sub-menu. From those options, click on the Configuration option, just like the following image.

Change default country in Magento - Step 1

Now, Expand the GENERAL category options by clicking on the link. You will see a few more links, click on the General to see general store options.

Set Default country in Magento - Step 2

On this page, you can quickly update the most important settings of your store. You will see 4 collapsed section called Countries Options, States Options, Locale Options, and store information. Click on the first Countries Options section to expand it.

Set Default country in Magento - Step 3

It will reveal a simple form to select a default country along with the allowed countries. Select the default country as per your choice.

Set default country in Magento - Step 4

After that, click on the Save Config button given on the top-right corner of the page to apply the changes. Refer to the following screenshot to locate the save button.

Set default country in Magento - Step 5

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